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Chidrants (Serie with 6 works)

The six works in ceramics entitled Palanca negra, Veado pantaneiro, Touro Miura, Bighorn peninsular, Antílope and Rinoceronte compose the Chifrantes series developed by Cristina Brattig Almeida in partnership with Marivone Dias, who finished the pieces in copper oxidation — a work requiring a great deal of technical knowledge and mastery in making. With a form that is both refined and subtle, we are introduced to a dramatic analogy between violence against women and violence against animals. The works feature female figures, in black, wearing masks that represent the carcasses of large endangered animals from different continents, namely: America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and Antarctic. The images bring this issue to the foreground hoping that one day these forms of violence will be buried and finally fade into oblivion.


Sandra Makowiecky

Professor of Art History and Criticism – UDESC


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